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Wednesday, 21 November 2012

How do you disable "Save as" function on images?

    I want to the disable the save option in image and also disable copy the image  script will be given below:
thumbnail.large,thumbnail.large .box-crop,thumbnail.large .box-contests,thumbnail.large .details,thumbnail.large .details .relative {width:100%;height:100%;}
thumbnail .details,thumbnail .details .relative {width:100%;height:100%;box-shadow:0;}
thumbnail .details .top .content {min-height:30px;}
thumbnail .details .top {display:block;font-size:16px;line-height:28px;text-align:center;}
thumbnail a:hover {text-decoration:none;}
thumbnail .details .top,thumbnail .details .bottom {width:100%;color:white;}
thumbnail .details .bottom {line-height:24px;}
thumbnail .closed .details .bottom.content {background:#D70200;text-align:center;line-height:26px;}
thumbnail .box-crop.crop-height img {width:100%;height:auto;margin-left:auto;}
thumbnail .details {position:absolute;top:0;left:0;}

<thumbnail class="large">
<img src="./images/pair.jpg" alt="Pair">
<a href="#"><div class="details"></div></a>

Download the Link:

The following file will be working fine.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

How to disable "Save as" in an Adobe PDF document

Embeddable Google Document Viewer

Google Docs offers an undocumented feature that lets you embed PDF files and PowerPoint presentations in a web page. The files don't have to be uploaded to Google Docs, but they need to be available online.

<iframe src="" style="width:620px;height:800px;border:none;"  frameborder="0"></iframe>

 but you should replace the bold URL with your own address. As I mentioned, the document viewer works for PDF and PPT files.
